Friday, October 21, 2011


Wake up? i guess that's whats i need to do now. There's a thin boundary seperating dreams and reality, I guess that's where I am right now. I can't seem to differentiate between my fantasies and my goals. Still clinging on to that rope that leads to nowhere, why am I doing this? Maybe it's cause of a certain something, I call it faith. Faith, a small dosage of it can certainly make a big difference. It determines a persons success.

Past, present, future. Which is the most important? I would say the present. The past is history, and the future holds mystery, while the "present" is a gift. We must take notice of the good things happening to us. Let me ask you this. Do you question God during your good times? There's no need for an answer for this. What I'm getting at here is that every single thing counts. A simple sign of appreciation might not seem like a big deal for you, but it might mean the world for others.

Different perspectives, misconceptions. When the eyes of two people do not view the same sky, that's where sadness is bred and losses are found.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Dreams? I noticed something, the more you wanted it , the more u cant get it. True story. Its quite frust when u put alot hope/effort on it and the ending is not the one we wishing for. Be a man accept the fact! Lol. sometimes dream just cant come true, just a little small dream, ends up result is a fail, so be it. Mr fail i am already bored of u. Seriously, changes needed.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The world is changing... sad

The world is changing... seriously like so fast. In a blink of eyes, many things would happen beyond our expectation. Change the world , dun let the world to change u. This week is a sad week, no pain no gain, the more pain u get the more smart u r. 'In order to succeed in later life, you need creative skills because look at how fast the world is changing.' yea the world is changing, everyone is changing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life's tough

Its been a long time i din post. lol. Life's short, appreciate what u have now before it dissapear. Now i realised that its not worth to get emo over some small matter, not good for health. Sometimes, don't just put all the blame on urself, we need opportunity, luck , and of coz effort but without opportunity no matter how much effort u put is also a waste just like multiplification of 0, no matter what, is still a zero. Sometimes, u dun even have the chance to do something and its not our fault, but still if u have the chance but u din appreciate it, is still a waste.LOL no matter wat, dun get pissed over small matter, is just the matter of time , let time do its job, wait for the chance to come and apprehend it. Well, this world is unfair, accept the fact! Do enjoy and work hard if you are given the chance to pursue in things you like. On the other hand, do hold on if you are not enjoying your current situation, it just mean that your time has yet to come ^^

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

what is sad?

Everyone knows whats sad but we can actually prevent ourselves from getting sad, is just the matter how u feel and how u judge something. Normally, we will easily get sad or depressed and is out of our own control, its normal. If we want to live our life well we must look things from different angles. Dun expect too much from others expect more from urself.

Chinese new year is great for me, i know for most of you, it may be boring but this chinese new year holidays i learnt alot and enjoyed alot. This Cny i did alot things , mountain climbing, chatings, cycling and of course eating. I realised that simply life is much more better than complicated life, breath some fresh air relaxes and take a nap, is just like a fairyland. Some people may think that its so boring and dull, well different people have different view but i hope u all can enjoy ur very own lifestyle. Happy chinese new year!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Yo! its chinese new year! happy chinese new year , gong xi fa cai. ;D wishing everyone a happy merry chinese new year , new year new hopes, new aim , new shirt! xD its time to relax and enjoy the holidays now before the arrival of SPM!@@ gongxi gongxi kongsi gelap, gongxi gongxi gongxi ni.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Calling people stupid is so fun?

Alot of ppl like to call others stupid or dumb, i wonder they ever realise how stupid themselves are when calling others stupid. I really dun like this kind of ppl, they think that they're very smart or something, they are actually scolding themselves. So, most important-chill , just dun take it so serious if not your life will forever be dark and narrow. Happy weekend guys!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Thaipusam and happy holiday!

Happy Thaipusam and happy holiday to all my friends! haha i am too bored so i post this for fun ;P Had 4 hours of accounts tuition today and i am very tired. I hope i can have holidays now, chinese new year faster come! I can feel the pressure as i am growing up. stressful. Is time to grow up boy! Miss the kid time memories, last time i wont be shy but now everything different... i will try not to be shy to everyone and be more friendly, i need to have more friends, i have too little friends now. Tomorrow is friday! Yay!!!! Nothing to say ald... haha. Ok once again happy Thaipusam and happy holiday! :D :D ;D

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whether to get a 8GB or 32GB ipod touch?

Okay, i am wondering that which ipod touch i should get, 8 or 32gb? 8gb can save up to RM250 and is quite an amount for a student like me. Until now i still having dilemma, should i really use the hard-earned money to buy ipod touch, so i hope you guys can suggest some useful and good ideas. =)

Do not give up easily

Well, i wonder what should i start with in my blog. For me, blog is to express feelings and emotions. However, today is just an ordinary school day and of course i enjoyed it because it is the final year for me to having studies in my school. In order to achieve ur dreams and hopes, we must not give up easily. u all may think that its lame but for me its meaningful. I am sure that everyone have hopes and dreams, so dun give up easily and remember 'where you fall is where you will success' IF you dun give up. LOL ok not much thing to write about for today, all good.